Patient Participation Group

A group of people joining together in a voluntary capacity to enhance the Practice by working alongside the doctors and nurses on behalf of and representing the patients.

This is your chance to help us make sure that the services at the Surgery, and more widely across local healthcare, meet your needs. We’ll be asking what you think about various topics.
We ask you to provide your email details so that we can contact you every now and again to ask questions about the surgery, how well we are doing and to identify areas for improvement. We may on occasions ask that members attend a PPG meeting held at the surgery. This is to discuss issues affecting the Practice and help us to deliver the best service we can. Ultimately, the PPG involves helping patients to get the best out of their doctor, and just as importantly, help the doctors to get the best out of their patients.

We’d like to get lots of patients involved, to make sure we get a wide range of views. You won’t need to attend meetings. You’ll be able to comment on-line, by email or via a paper form.

Join Our PPG

Anyone who is a patient registered at the Practice can become a member.

To become a member:

Complete the online PPG registration Form.

Alternatively you can download the application form, complete it, and then return it to the practice.