Patient Preferences

Please complete this form to tell us your preferences on the topics below. You do not need to complete all the sections, just those that you wish to update us about.

If you are applying for Online Services for the first time you will need to bring the form into the surgery with a photo ID (e.g. Passport or Driving Licence). Otherwise you can post the form to the surgery at Parklands Surgery, 4 Parklands Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 3DT.  If you cannot download this form you will be able to ask for one and complete it, next time you visit the surgery.

Summary Care Record (SCR)

You will already have a Basic SCR (unless you previously instructed us that you did not want one). This gives health and care professionals in other NHS organisations, e.g. St Richard’s Hospital’s Accident & Emergency Department, details of important information about your health that we hold. We recommend that you make the Enhanced SCR available but the choice is yours. Please see the form for the differences between the various options.

Communication Requirements

Please use the form to tell us how we can communicate with you better if, potentially because of some form of impairment, you find it hard to read our letters or if you need someone to support you at appointments. We would also appreciate you using the form to tell us if you do not have any specific communication requirements.

Electronic Prescription Service

If you get regular prescriptions, the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) may be able to save you time by avoiding unnecessary trips to Parklands Surgery. EPS makes it possible for your prescriptions to be sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice. This means you’ll no longer have to collect a paper repeat prescription from the practice – instead, you can go straight to the nominated pharmacy to pick up your medicines.

Online Services

SystmOnline is a range of free of charge online services to allow patients to proactively manage their care. These services allow patients to view their own Electronic Medical Record as well as booking appointments and managing medication. SystmOnline is available via the surgery’s website or via Android or Apple apps, providing patients with convenience and flexibility when managing their care. This service specifically enables patients to:

  • View coded information in their electronic medical record.
  • View test results.
  • Manage their appointments.
  • Request repeat medication.
  • Update demographic details.
  • Message their healthcare service.
  • Complete questionnaires.