Advice for patients – postponement of appointments this weekend

Posted on:

We are very sorry but this weekend’s clinics have had to be postponed.

Patients who were booked for a routine appointment this weekend should have received a text message or direct contact to let them know about the cancellation.

We are very sorry for this inconvenience.

You should have been advised to contact the practice. Please do contact our practice team next week and we will be able to advise you on the next steps and when your appointment can be rearranged. Please try to avoid early mornings to contact us so that those who need urgent support on the day, can get through to our team, to receive the care they need that day.

If you need further NHS help or advice this weekend, please contact NHS 111 either online or by phone, and they will be able to provide clinical advice and signpost you to the most appropriate service if required.

Many thanks